Verbessern Sie Ihre VR-Erfahrung mit der Gesichts schnitts telle von AMVR
- Vielseitige Einstellbar keit:Genießen Sie eine personal isierte Passform mit dreistufiger Einstellbar keits funktion.
- Atmungsaktives Design:Verabschieden Sie sich von Unbehagen mit unserem atmungsaktiven Design, das keine Verstopfung gewähr leistet und es Ihnen ermöglicht, während längerer VR-Sitzungen kühl und komfortabel zu bleiben.
- Optimierter Komfort:Erleben Sie mehr Komfort mit unserem breiteren und dickeren Schwamm design, das maximale Dämpfung für längeres Tragen bietet, ohne auf Komfort zu verzichten.
- Material optionen:Maßge schneiderte Ihr Erlebnis, indem Sie zwischen unseren Leder-und Eis-Seiden-Stoff polstern wählen, die den individuellen Vorlieben entsprechen.
- Licht blockierender Nasen schutz:Verhindern Sie Licht leckagen und tauchen Sie mit unserem licht blockierenden Nasen polster design vollständig in Ihre virtuelle Welt ein.
AMVR facial interface for Quest 3
The widened forehead area of this Quest 3 facial interface evenly distributes weight, reducing facial pressure. Its "Y" design breathable vents ensure ventilation and light blocking. Plus, it fits the official charging dock without removing the nose pad.
Soft PU Leather Pad
Upgrade to our PU Leather Pad for a softer, more comfortable experience compared to standard fabric. The sponge surface is enhanced with cooling gel for an extra refreshing feel during use.
Breathable lce Silk Cotton
Experience the refreshing coolness of our breathable ice silk cotton, designed to effectively absorb sweat and prevent it from running into your eyes or headset, keeping your face dry during intense VR gaming sessions. For an even more surprising chill, simply pop it in the refrigerator before use!
Cleaning Tip: Gently wash with soapy water, avoiding harsh scrubbing to prevent pilling on the fabric surface. Rinse thoroughly for best results.
What is the difference between Q3FC1 and Q3FC3?
What is the difference between Q3FC1 and Q3FC3?
The Q3FC3 features adjustable knobs on both sides, making it much easier to adjust the height. Simply turn the knobs to achieve a more streamlined height adjustment, as the Q3FC3 offers more convenient adjustment levels.
Additionally, the nose piece is removable, allowing you to use the official charging dock.
Finally, the Q3FC3 includes a cooling gel, providing an upgraded cooling sensation for a more comfortable experience.
For those who currently use Q3FC1 and are satisfied with it, you don't need to upgard. But if you prefer to have a better VR experience. It is worth upgrading.
Tips: If you're a Q3FC1 user and would like the cooling gel pad, you can also purchase it separately in our store. Link
Will it be compatible with the halo style headstrap?
Will it be compatible with the halo style headstrap?
Its compatibility with the BoboVR M3/S3 halo - style head strap is not absolutely perfect, and the specific situation may vary depending on individual face shapes. However, as for the Kiwi H4, it can basically achieve compatibility.
Is it compatible with the official charging dock?
Is it compatible with the official charging dock?
Yes, it is.
Does it work with the Meta case?
Does it work with the Meta case?
Yes, it is compatible with the Meta case.